145. IT'S NICE TO HAVE OPTIONS - Existentialism and UCAS.

“Deciding not to bore the student with Donald Rumsfeld’s treatise on known knowns and known unknowns, I instead decided to offer guidance from the existentialists. That is to say: no real guidance at all. What my student was facing, I suggested, was a living example of the sort of anxiety and despair existentialist philosophers suggested comes from our absolute freedom.“

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116. NOTHING IS REAL AND YET EVERYTHING IS REAL - On Constructing A Better Reality

“Consider: it cannot both be true that advertising has no influence on our thinking and that people spend over £23bn a year on advertising. At worst, people are spending their twenty three billion pounds to influence us in a range of ways we are barely aware of. At best, the only advertising that has ever worked is the advertising for advertising itself which has convinced so many people to spend billions on a product which is utterly useless. Which means advertising does still work.“

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81. SHALL WE JUST BLOODLANDS IT? - The Existentialist Freedom To Say No

“It was only a four-part series, and for the first three weeks that Sunday ritual was diligently observed. On the final Sunday of the series, we talked eagerly that morning about what would happen in that evening’s finale.

And then I said something crazy: ‘but what if we don’t watch it?’“

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