122. DUPLICATING SUFFERING - Economics and Ethics When Experimenting With Animals

“a possible case could be made for accepting certain, limited, forms of animal experimentation but not within the current economic system because it is structurally set up to maximise, rather than minimise, the possible duplication of unnecessary suffering due to prioritising intellectual property rights over the rights of non-human (and human) animals.“

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41. TO CLAP OR TO CRY FOR CARERS? - On The Importance of Being Able To Hold Two Ideas In Our Heads At Once

“By clapping, was I supporting the myth, the propaganda, and the lies which have put so many unnecessarily in harm’s way during this crisis? From the unprotected nurse to their dying patient, infected because they couldn’t stay home for fear of losing their job - each a victim not of Covid-19, but of our political system?”

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8. STADIUM HOT DOGS - On Vegetarianism, Food, and Culture

“When I travel, it always strikes me how immediately alienating and othering it is to have to tell people no to their local specialities. As a vegetarian, and as someone who on top of this also doesn’t drink alcohol for other reasons, I find myself constantly imposing a sort of cultural imperialism on the places I visit, insisting on meat free alternatives and never fully being able to immerse myself in the culture I am there to see, and I often wish I hadn’t made the decision that the suffering of non-human animals matters.” 

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